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huawei imei/unlock algorithm


This isn’t really about Tz, but more for my personal reference….

MD5 (“your_imei5e8dd316726b0335”) = 8f 43 ae 1a 33 19 c6 49 cc 57 40 8b 6a 39 2d 6b

8f xor 33 xor cc xor 6a =1a
43 xor 19 xor 57 xor 39 =34
ae xor c6 xor 40 xor 2d =05
1a xor 49 xor 8b xor 6b =b3

1a3405b3 and 1ffffff or 2000000 = 23405B3
hex2dec (23405B3) = 36963763 -> unlock code

same steps for flash code , only:
MD5 (“your_imei97b7bc6be525ab44”) instead of the other MD5

or in python code that may or may not work,

import hashlib

def getCode(imei, salt):
digest = hashlib.md5((imei+salt).lower()).digest()
code = 0
for i in range(0,4):
code += (ord(digest[i])^ord(digest[4+i])^ord(digest[8+i])^ord(digest[12+i])) << (3-i)*8
code &= 0x1ffffff
code |= 0x2000000
return code

imei = "123456789012347"

print getCode(imei, "5e8dd316726b0335")
print getCode(imei, "97b7bc6be525ab44")

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  1. шурег permalink

    interessting, but where do you know that is the right algo?

    • bakadeshi permalink

      I did some reverse engineering on software provided by Zain (my service provider) using OllyDbg.

      • шурег permalink

        ok, and what do you usint instead of salt or iz it always the same?

  2. bakadeshi permalink

    The salts are hard coded constants; they change depending on if you want to get the reflash code or the unlock code. Respectively, it would be either 97b7bc6be525ab44 or 5e8dd316726b0335

  3. Andy permalink

    8f 43 ae 1a 33 19 c6 49 cc 57 40 8b 6a 39 2d 6b is got from executing MD5 hash of IMEI and 5e8dd316726b0335 (is this a constant??)?

  4. mar permalink

    huawei mobile or modem?¿??

  5. it doesn`t work with Huawei U8160/Vodafone 858 Smart

    • bakadeshi permalink

      I guess the newer versions have different firmware?

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